The best oxygen rich foods

Foods Rich In Oxygen that people should know to eat

Do you intend to begin a diet in order to increase the amount of oxygen in your blood? Then you should make sure that alkaline foods account for roughly 80% of your meals, as they aid in increasing blood oxygen levels. On that topic, what foods do you need to add in your diet to improve your blood’s oxygen supply? The solution can be found in this article. Let’s follow us to find out top the best foods rich in Oxygen.



According to recent studies, spinach has a high iron concentration. The iron in spinach aids in the transport of oxygen throughout the body, allowing your brain and muscles to perform more efficiently. Apart from iron, it is also high in phytonutrients and is considered the world’s healthiest meal.


Broccoli is linked to a number of nutritional and medicinal advantages. It’s high in antioxidant vitamins, which our bodies need. It can help our bodies’ oxygen metabolism for a long time. Broccoli should be consumed on a daily basis because the oxygen content in this meal aids in the efficient functioning of our systems.


Foods Rich In Oxygen - Watermelon
Foods Rich In Oxygen

With a pH of 9, this fruit is exceedingly alkaline. It functions as a moderate diuretic due to its high water and fiber content. Lycopene, beta-carotene, and Vitamin C are all abundant in this fruit. This delectable fruit is one of the best sources of energy and life support, and you can take advantage of its benefits by include it in your colon cleanse and week-long fast.


This is the most oxygen-rich meal on the market. Though they are acidic on the surface, they become alkaline inside the body. Lemon is a good alkalizing food because of its electrolytic capabilities. It relieves cough, cold, flu, hyperacidity, heartburn, and other viral-related symptoms quickly and effectively. It is also one of the best liver tonics, since it aids in the cleansing and energizing of this vital organ.


Avocado contains a lot of vitamins and minerals. They aid in the improvement of the body’s blood flow as well as the oxygenation of the brain. Avocados are great for your health since they are high in water. So, if your body is deficient in oxygen, consider eating avocado on a daily basis.

Sweet grapes and pears, passion fruit, raisins, pineapple, vegetable juices

These fruits are an amazing source of antioxidants, which can reduce free radicals in the body. Free radicals damage cells in the body, leading to poor oxygen supply and ultimately to malfunction. Including these fruits in your daily diet can help prevent many deadly diseases to help you achieve better health.

Fruit Juice, Kiwi, Chicory

Fruit Juice, Kiwi, Chicory
Foods Rich In Oxygen

Fruit juices, kiwi and chicory are top sources of flavonoids, which are natural antioxidants. These help give you instant energy and keep your body refreshed. Being naturally high in water content, fruit juice can cleanse your system and promote better oxygen supply in the body. This is one of the best foods that contain oxygen.


Foods Rich In Oxygen- Legumes
Foods Rich In Oxygen

Legumes contain a compound called Leghamoglobin, which is an oxygen carrier. This agent is found in abundance in the nodules of legumes. Studies show that Leghamoglobin has a higher affinity for oxygen and can store it for a few seconds. By consuming legumes in good amounts, the content of this compound can also be increased, resulting in a better oxygen supply.

These top oxygen rich foods mentioned above should be made an integral a part of your daily diet as they’ll help in increasing the amount of oxygen in your bloodstream. This will, in turn, keep your body freed from disease and boost the functions and processes of the various systems. Alkaline, or oxygen-giving foods, are essential to health and forestall hypoxemia, or low levels of oxygen.

It is important to require foods that are rich in fiber, iron and antioxidants to stay this condition away and to safeguard the blood cells that carry oxygen and fight against the damaging effects of free radicals.

Apart from eating lots of dark and leafy green vegetables and fruits, you ought to remember to drink many water and exercise regularly to naturally provide your body with the oxygen it has to stay healthy. By getting more oxygen into your body, you’ll feel healthier and more revitalized than you have got ever been. you’d also protect yourself against the numerous diseases that usually include a contemporary lifestyle.