How To Apply Different Serums

How To Apply Different Serums Once and Choose The Right For Your Skin?

How To Apply Different Serums Whether to use multiple serums at the same time is the question of many women when they want to use this beauty essence. The serum is known as an effective skincare essence, improving skin problems quickly. However, a serum only deeply solves a skin problem that cannot be as multi-functional as creams. This makes women with skin problems quite bewildered because they do not know if they can use many skin care serums at the same time or not. To answer the question How To Apply Different Serums, invite everyone to follow the sharing in the article below.

What are serums?

Serum, also known as a skin serum, is a skincare product in the form of microscopic particles, easily absorbed deep into the skin. The serum contains 10 times more nutrients than lotion, helping to nourish healthy and beautiful skin from deep within, overcoming all skin problems in the most effective way. At the same time, the Serum also helps to create a protective film on the skin against the bad effects of the environment.

How To Apply Different Serums

How To Apply Different Serums Once and choose the right for your skin?

How to choose the right serum for your skin?

Serums help nourish the skin effectively, but not all serums are suitable for your skin. Currently, on the market there are many different serums, addressing each skin problem. Therefore, depending on your skin condition such as acne treatment, whitening, anti-aging, etc., there is the most suitable choice. In addition to depending on skin condition, everyone should choose a serum that is suitable for their age.

  • For those of you who have just reached puberty, you should choose a moisturizing serum to help your skin stretch and smooth.
  • For people 20 – 30 years old, it is recommended to use skin whitening serum.
  • For people over 30 years old, it is recommended to choose an anti-aging serum to reduce wrinkles to maintain the youthfulness of the skin.

However, to ensure comprehensive skin care, those from 25 years old should use an anti-aging serum. At this age, the skin begins to lack collagen and begins to age, so anti-aging for the skin at this time is the most appropriate.

How To Apply Different Serums?

Serums are great for the skin, but each serum only solves one skin problem. This makes it difficult for people with skin imperfections because they want to use many serums to improve their skin in the most perfect way. How To Apply Different Serums at the same time? The answer to this problem is that it is possible to use many serums at the same time, but you must be careful when using them because there are many serums combined together that are not effective. You need to avoid serums with the following ingredients:

  • Do not combine serums containing retinol with benzoyl peroxide
  • Do not combine serums containing retinol or hydroquinone with glycolic acid
  • Do not combine serums containing Vitamin S with copper peptides

Order when using multiple serums on the skin

How To Apply Different Serums

When you want to use multiple serums at the same time to care for your skin, you need to know how to use which one first and which one later. Using the correct order will help the skin to be able to absorb nutrients most effectively. The order when using multiple serums is as follows:

1. Use an anti-aging serum first, and a brightening serum after

The skin is divided into 3 layers, the dermis, the dermis, and the epidermis. Anti-aging serums work on the dermis, so for the best anti-aging serums, users should use anti-aging serums first when combining them with other serums. Then, you can apply a layer of skin-lightening serum to remove dark spots, and freckles in the dermis. This order helps the serums to maximize their effects without being hindered.

2. Thin and light serum first, thick after

When you want to combine multiple serums, take a small amount of the product on the back of your hand, then tilt it slightly to see the properties of the serum. Which type is loose and easy to slide on the skin, use first, which is thicker, use later. This method helps the serums penetrate the skin to the maximum, taking care of the skin perfectly.

3. Consider using a single serum

How To Apply Different Serums

If you find it annoying to have to use too many serums at once, consult a beautician to find the one that works best for you. Today’s cosmetic brands are constantly researching to produce many multi-use products, serving the strict requirements of users. Therefore, consult an expert to find yourself a good serum that effectively fixes all skin problems.


With the above information, surely everyone has answered the question of How To Apply Different Serums at the same time and how to use them properly. Hopefully, after consulting these shares, you will take care of your skin in the most effective way to always own beautiful and healthy skin.