Benefits Of Tomatoes
Benefits Of Tomatoes

Health Benefits Of Tomatoes That You Should Know

The advantages of consuming vegetables & fruits, including tomatoes, are awesome. When the intake of plant foods included in the daily diet increases, the chance of heart disease, cancer, and diabetes will go down. A high intake of fruits & vegetables is also related to the health of your skin and hair, your energy, and weight loss. In fact, increasing the intake of vegetables & fruits significantly helps to reduce the risk of overall mortality and obesity. Toplifetechs has released a writing of the health benefits of tomatoes for women & men as the following.

Prevent cancer

Tomatoes have a powerful source of antioxidants and vitamin C, helping you fight cancer-causing free radicals. Besides, the high lycopene content in tomatoes helps prevent cancer well, but high-quality human trials are needed to confirm this. According to a study in women, high concentrations of carotenoids in tomatoes can prevent the development & growth of breast cancer.

Inhibiting the harmful effects of tobacco smoke

Benefits Of Tomatoes
Benefits Of Tomatoes

One of the other health benefits of tomatoes is against the harmful effects of tobacco smoke. In fact, nitrosamine is a really harmful substance that can lead to cancer. This substance is made inside your body and is found mainly in cigarettes. However, it can be alleviated by 2 essential substances in tomatoes, including chlorogenic acid and coumaric acid. Besides, vitamin A in tomatoes can inhibit the harmful effects of carcinogens, such as nitrosamine to prevent lung cancer.

Benefits Of Tomatoes – Protect Your Heart

Saving your heart is one of the most benefits of tomatoes. Choline, potassium, fiber, and vitamin C found in tomatoes help to improve the function of your heart. According to Mark Houston M.D – a medicine professor in Vanderbilt School, a high intake of potassium is effective in reducing the risk of cardiovascular disease. Having 4069 mg of potassium a day lowers the risk of death caused due to heart diseases.
In a review in middle-aged men, low levels of lycopene & beta-carotene in the blood are associated with an increased risk of stroke and heart attacks.
According to some clinical trials, the tomato products help to significantly prevent inflammation and oxidative stress. Also, tomatoes offer a positive effect on protecting the inner layer of the blood vessels and reduce the chance of blood clotting.
The British Journal of Nutrition published a study done by the researchers working for the Tufts & Boston University and found that the highest average consumption of lycopene was associated with a 30% reduction in the risk of coronary heart disease and cardiovascular disease.

Prevent Diabetes 

Benefits Of Tomatoes –Prevent Diabetes
Benefits Of Tomatoes –Prevent Diabetes

A high content of fiber in the daily diet helps to decrease the risk of diabetes effectively. Tomatoes are considered on the top of foods rich in fiber and they will aid in managing your insulin levels, lipids, & blood sugar. You can consume 2 grams of fiber in one cup of tomatoes.

Good for your skin

Among the amazing benefits of tomatoes, skin protection is perhaps the most beneficial of the delicious fruit. Vitamin C is essential for collagen synthesis, helping to keep your skin firm, improve elasticity and heal wounds. In addition, vitamin A works to keep the skin youthful thanks to its anti-aging properties.

As you know, the beta-carotenes in tomatoes help avoid sunburns, which can cause serious skin damage and increase your risk of skin cancer [9]. Lycopene along with other compounds found in tomatoes may also protect your skin from sun-induced damage.

Reduce depression

Do you believe that relieving depression and stress is one of the other health benefits of tomatoes? That’s right. Tomatoes contain a lot of folic acid, which prevents the production of homocysteine, protects the brain and prevents blood clotting.

Benefits Of Tomatoes –Reduce depression
Benefits Of Tomatoes –Reduce depression

In addition, the folate found in tomatoes can be extremely effective in helping to cope with depression by preventing an excessive buildup of homocysteine ​​in the body. In fact, too much homocysteine ​​stops the production of hormones, including serotonin, norepinephrine and dopamine, that are responsible for keeping you happy as well as regulating your sleep cycle, emotions, and appetite. . It also helps reduce perinatal depression levels.

Vitamin B6 found in tomatoes helps produce the “feel good” hormones and prevents stress and mood disorders, such as depression or anxiety.